The Breadbath Sauna is a truly unique addition to a spa as a treatment in itself or as an alternative memorable relaxation room. The room is centered with an impressive bread oven releasing sourdough enzymes stimulating guests metabolism and digestion giving them the ultimate relaxation before or after a treatment at temperatures between 30 to 45 Celsius and even with the possibility to snack on the freshly made bread. The system is low maintenance and very easy to clean.
By Haslauer
The saunas are customized to client’s requirements and can be operated with different functions. A classic Finnish sauna can be designed to be adjusted to a bio sauna as well (a more gentle, less humid and hot sauna). With a huge choice of material such as spruce, hemlock and waste wood, the design can vary from rustic and traditional to modern and unusual.
By Haslauer

The Brechelbath® has a long historical background which complexes a sauna feature. Fresh fir tree needles or even Swiss pine shavings give you a gentle reflexology massage. The temperature in the Brechelbath® is between 45 and 65 celsius but can also be individually controlled. This feature has a positive effect on the whole well being, bringing calmness, boosts mental stimulation, concentration and insomnia. You can also also buy the individual components for the Brechelbath® and install them yourself.
By Haslauer