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5 Sauna Benefits – What are the Health Benefits of using a Sauna?


Saunas are a fundamental facility in every spa and the necessity of every spa business to utilise. There are a variety of reasons for people to use spas, from health to social motivations, saunas are a go-to facility and enjoyed by the masses. Although saunas are traditionally known in commercial establishments, there has been a rise in residential sauna installation, due to the popularity and benefits that saunas offer. So, we beg the question, what is it about sauna’s that attract so many people? What are the benefits of using a sauna?   General Health & WellnessHumans generally experience stress in their everyday lives, whether it is work-induced, family life or other, stress is, mostly, unavoidable. While we accept the fact that we will become…

5 Reasons Why you should use a Spa Consultant for your Projects

5 Reasons Why

When deciding whether to use a professional spa consultant for your current and future projects the focus should not be if you should use a spa consultant or not, but which professional spa consultant should you use. The costs of not correctly adhering to a structured plan and with the assistance of an industry expert in spa consultancy can be damaging, and not just in the financial sense. One of the key questions before beginning a spa project is to assess why you want to build a spa. You can deduce this to an array of reasoning, it could be to make money, to add value to an already existing business (i.e. hotels or apartment blocks), because it is your passion and many more. Nonetheless,…

Christmas in the Spa: Turn Holiday Cheer into Turnover

By Christina Alissandraki, Partner ExclsuivelySpa   While Christmas and End of Year celebrations are known for creating a shopping spree, turnover in the spas often increases just marginally.  We often take for granted that guests will visit the spa, at least once, for that last minute glow treatment and rarely take an effort to create a buzz that will result in substantial retail sales increase and repeat visits. Winter resorts’ spas rely on increased penetration of hotel guests but that is true up to a point. In ski resorts, for instance, guests will leave early morning and often return exhausted at late afternoon just in time to change for dinner. At the same time, in city spas, people rush after work to buy gifts and…

Salve-in-terra wellness system

Extraordinary, therapeutic and surprisingly relaxing Salve-in-terra® – awarded with the Health Spa Award as the best technical spa innovation – is a wellness system that not only provides skincare treatments but also entices your guests into a world of emotions. With Salve-in-terra® the wellness experience for couples is taken to a whole new level. Closeness, feeling, touching and rediscovering your partner’s beautiful qualities are the focus with this spa treatment.   In combination with natural consumables, Salve-in-terra® enables you to offer your guests new treatments in a wide variety of themes: Anti-Ageing, Detox, Anti Stress or Beautiful Skin. Salve-in-terra® evokes positive sensations in four ways: The guest is set in motion with gentle rocking motions. The skincare product works on the skin and reinforces the...